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Log It: Here’s the Complete Timing Log For The June 2015 Meet

(Photos by Bryan McTaggart/ – One of the things that we really wanted to concentrate on in 2015 was getting the racers down the track. Seems basic, right? Believe it or not there is a little sciene to it and so far in 2015 I think we have been doing a pretty good job. This is the complete timing log for the June 2015 meet and on it you will find every single run for every single car and motorcycle down the course. They are posted in the order that they were made. This is a handy tool to look and see how people performed early in the meet as opposed to later in the meet. We saw anywhere from 6-10mph performance drop across the board on Sunday as opposed to Saturday and that bears out on this log. 

As always, there is room for us to get better. I can forsee 350 run days in our not too distant future and that is great for everyone. It is great for the racers because after all, you are paying to get the track time. It is great for race control because it keeps us on our toes, alert, and with the program, and it is great for the spectators because there is someting constantly happening in front of them. So…how do we go from 300 run days to 350 run days? 

On the race control side of things we tighten up our procedures a little (and we have been every meet) and on the racer side of things we minimized course sweeps and maximize preparation on the starting line. The more prepared you are on the line to leave and the more efficiently you do so, the more runs we get in. The less times we have to take a few 5-15 minute stoppages to grab fasteners, check oil, search for gas caps, and pick stuff up the better. Now, this is racing and everyone is working their equipment to the max and we completely understand that things happen and frankly that is why we are there, to handle those times. We appreciate every one of you that comes out and straps on a helmet with us and we'll be there as long as you keep coming. Thanks for being a supportive and fantastic group, hope to see you in June and September!




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