I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year’s. Hopefully this cold weather will be gone soon, and we can all get back to Getting ready for the 2025 racing season.
This year’s Arkansas mile dates will be May 2-4 and October 3-5.
The website and registration updates have been frustrating to say the least. If you’re still having trouble, just email me your information directly and I’ll manually put your entry in the system, my email is Steve@EctaMotorsports.com.
For all the motorcycle people we are going to make some safety upgrades that will become effective in 2026. I highly recommend that everybody gets some form of a spine protector in 2026 it will be required for everybody over 150 mph. I’m also looking into what are some viable options for the airbag suits and vests. Please feel free to give me your feedback on this stuff.
We will also be adding a classic division for the motorcycles. Still working out the final details but it will create a division that’s between vintage and modern bikes. Some other organizations have instituted this so we will do our best to mirror what the industry is doing so we all stay consistent.
There will be no price increases this year we do ask that you recruit a few of your friends and buddies and help us fill the field a little more.
Thank you,
Steve Strupp President,