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September Meet

       Our volunteer army pressed on though many rain showers on Friday getting the track ready for the weekend. The weatherman had predicted rain for the event but once again he was wrong! It was humid and overcast but dry.

Points Championship

        In order to be able to crown the points championship at the October meet, we elected to end the points concluding the event.


First Place: Mark Weiler and the WZBD Racing Team. Congratulations to whole team
Second Place: Ed Brace, who only missed by 276 points. Great job Ed.

Third Place: Das Bullet Team of Jim Cosgrove and Marty and Frank Cutting. They had to miss the June meet because of a business trip to Pebble Beach or they would have been a contender! It is always a pleasure to see you guys racing the beautiful Belly Tank.


First Place: BDU/3HM Racing Team of Doug Wotring and Rob Prins. The guys ran a ’98 Buell Sidecar to a total of 1111 points. Great job!

Second Place: Chris Koninsky of Team 88 was just 13 points behind, oh so close.

Third Place: Madcap Racing with Doctor J on board. Jarl Wathne had a great year making his 250cc Honda run quicker and quicker. The 250 Class has been fun to watch this year.

The Big Bang Theory

         Lawson Bilhardt has had the Blackbird flying this year. The little V6 that could finally had enough…ALL OVER THE TRACK!!! The explosion was one to remember. The entire front of the block was GONE! The track had a bucket full of scrape aluminum everywhere, nicely covered with a little dressing of 10w30 motor oil. Our super volunteer army once again showed just how seasoned they are by cleaning up a half mile of oil in one hour.

Awards / Farewell Party

Don’t forget the party at the food court area at 6:30 Saturday evening.